o zone login

I trained in the UK

This process applies if you have a UK qualification in osteopathy from a GOsC-recognised course.

Beginning the registration process

Your osteopathic educational provider provides the names of all final-year students to the GOsC and we send you a registration application pack in the January before you graduate.

If you have not received the application pack, or need replacement forms, you can download copies of the booklet and forms from the students section of the o zone, our dedicated site for osteopaths.


GOsC staff will visit your education provider between January and March in order to meet you and tell you about the registration process and the work of the GOsC. These presentations are a valuable opportunity for you to ask questions about the registration process.

Completing your application for registration

You should answer all the questions and ensure that the forms are signed and dated.

You can send back your application forms before or after you are qualified. We encourage you to complete the forms as early as possible so that your registration application is not delayed unnecessarily if we have any queries.

To complete your registration application you will need to provide:

Please note that as part of your application you will need to tell the GOsC who your intended professional indemnity insurance provider is. You cannot start practising until your insurance policy has been activated and this will be after you have registered. 

Confirmation of your Recognised Qualification comes directly from your education provider.

Once we have received all your paperwork it normally takes up to 10 working days for us to process your application.

After you have been registered

When your name has been put on the Register you will receive a confirmation letter and a registration certificate. You should not practise before receiving this confirmation.

You should also ensure that you activate your professional indemnity insurance policy before you begin practising and provide proof of your professional indemnity insurance to the GOsC.

Contact details

If you have any questions, please contact us at registration@osteopathy.org.uk


Student access to the o zone website

UK osteopathy students can use the o zone in their final and penultimate years of training. There is information about registering with the GOsC, practice standards, guidance, and free access to a range of research journals.

Early in your penultimate year you should get an email from us with your log in details for the o zone. If you haven't received the email contact us on webmanager
and we will re-send your details.