Fitness to practise annual reports
Information about our fitness to practise reports is also available in Welsh: Adroddiadau blynyddol addasrwydd i ymarfer
We are required by the Osteopaths Act to produce fitness to practise reports annually.
They provide guidance to osteopaths on the high standards of conduct and practice required to maintain their registration. The reports include details of decisions made by the Professional Conduct Committee and any sanctions applied. When the committee investigates an allegation against an osteopath and decides that it is not well founded, the osteopath can ask for this to be recorded in the next Fitness to Practise report.
We publish the current Fitness to Practise Annual Report on this page with the previous five years’ reports archived on the website. Older versions of the annual report will be archived internally and are available on request.
Fitness to Practise Reports
Fitness to Practise Annual Report 2023-2024
Click on the image to read the current report
Adroddiad Blynyddol Addasrwydd i Ymarfer 2023-24
Cliciwch ar y llun i ddarllen yr adroddiad cyfredol